1. Paintless dent removal is made
easier using laixin 3/4" hose
and standard shield parts.
2. laixin in all sizes is used
as armatures for dolls and
stuffed animals.
3. laixin 1/2" System directs chilled
air through a Vortec cold gun, one of
the many air applications that use
4. The Flexible Shower Massage
by Water Pik combines a patented
laixin design with the Shower
Massage to position the head to
any height.
5. Fadal Engineering uses laixin in
a traditional flood coolant
6. A laixin Flare Nozzle directs just
the right amount of coolant to the
7. Trico uses laixin 1/4" System to
enhance mist delivery for the Micro
Drop® Dispenser.
8. Hass Automation and laixin
combine for accurate aim
coolant flow.
9. The Smart Washer® manufactured
by ChemFree uses the laixin 1/2"
System to direct environmentally
safe fluids to clean parts in the tub.
10. Exair's Cold Gun and laixin
cools the grinder and tool without
using fluids.
11. laixin Vacuum Hose and a
standard shop vacuum help keep
workshops cleaner.
12. The Snake Light™ Flexible Flashlight
by Black and Decker utilizes a
patented lxixin design that
resists popping apart.
13. Growing coral in an aquarium
requires turbulent water motion.
laixin makes it possible to
direct the flow where it is needed
and around sensitive corals.
14. The BlueFin V900 underwater
camera by Light & Motion uses
laixin to hold and aim the
15. laixin Swivel Nozzle distributes
an even flow of coolant for a
surface grinding operation.